027 876 5085

Callistemon salignus


plants that love sunBee friendly plants



Willow bottlebrush

An upright hardy evergreen shrub. New leaves are bright pink ageing to mid-green. The shrub is covered in creamy bottlebrush type flowers from spring through summer. Very attractive to birds and bees. Ht: 4 meters.

  • Pb 2

12 in stock

SKU: Callistemon salignus Categories: , ,


Other names: Willow Bottlebrush, Melaleuca salicina

Callistemon are hardy evergreen shrubs or small trees native to Australia. They are tough plants generally handling both dry and wet conditions. The large bottle brush like flowers are attractive to nectar feeding birds and Bees. Pruning for bottle brush is best done lightly and just after flowering.

The Willow bottlebrush is an upright hardy evergreen plant. New leaves are bright pink ageing to mid-green. The plant is covered in creamy bottlebrush type flowers from spring through summer. Very attractive to birds and bees.

This species prefers good drainage but will handle heavier soils such as clay. A hardy plant tolerating a range of soils and climate. Suitable for hedging (75 cm spacing)

  • 4 mtrs x 3 mtrs
  • Evergreen
  • Hardy
  • Pb 2