027 876 5085

Poa cita – NZ Silver Tussock



cold-temperature-plantsplants that love sunwind tolerant plants



Silver tussock, Wī

A fast growing and tough NZ native grass for any garden. Prefers free draining soil but will handle heat and cold. The lovely silvery/ green loves are stunning in the perennial border. Ht: 1 mtr.

9 cm pot

29 in stock


Common / Māori names: Silver tussock, Wī

Poa cita is endemic to NZ and found throughout most of the country. The long narrow foliage is a lovely soft silvery/ green. Plants look lovely on mass, or as backdrop to a range of perennials in the summer border. Whatever your colour preferences.

Plants look great all year round. A tough plant that will handle extremes of cold, heat, and dry conditions.

  • Ht 1 mtr
  • Full sun
  • Free draining soil
  • Drought , Heat and Cold tolerant
  • 9 cm pot