027 876 5085

Salvia guaranitica ‘Blue enigma’


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Bee friendly plants


anise-scented sage, hummingbird sage.

Gorgeous true blue flowers on tall upright stalks. As the name suggests a favourite source of nectar for birds and bees. Sun to part shade. Shelter from winds and extreme cold. Ht: 1.2 meters.

  • 1 litre pot

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SKU: Salvia guaranitica 'Blue enigma' Categories: , ,


Common names: anise-scented sage, hummingbird sage.

Salvia guaranitica is native to a wide area of South America. They are perennial sub-shrubs growing 1-1.5 meters tall. leaves are a fresh green colour with an anise scent when crushed. flower colour comes in various shades of blue and purple.

Flowering will begin in mid summer and continue until frost. Plants prefer shelter from winds and extreme cold. Full sun is the general recommendation but in the extreme heat of Hawke’s Bay ( and areas such as Canterbury) I find they thrive best with some shade, especially from afternoon sun.

S. guaranitica ‘blue enigma’ has gorgeous true blue flowers on tall upright stalks. As the name suggests a favourite source of nectar for birds and bees

  • Ht: 1.2 meters
  • Sun to light shade
  • moderately tender
  • Fertile free draining soils
  • 1 litre pot