027 876 5085

Quillarja saponaria


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Soapbark tree

An attractive evergreen tree with small shiny green leaves. The branches have a slightly weeping habit. Trees flower in January and are a bee magnet. Rare in New-Zealand. Drought and cold tolerant. 15-20 meters.

  • Pb 2

12 in stock

SKU: Quillarja saponaria Categories: ,


Common name: Soapbark tree

Quillarja saponaria is an evergreen tree native to the warm temperate areas of central Chile. Despite its native origins it is a very hardy tree and has become a favourite in our garden. Trees are drought resistant and will tolerate temperatures down to -12.

It is a very attractive tree covered in small shiny evergreen leaves which at first appearance look similar to some of our NZ Pittosporum species. The branches have a slightly weeping habit which is very attractive. Trees flower in January and are a bee magnet. Rare in New-Zealand.

  • Ht: 15-20 meters
  • Hardy
  • Evergreen
  • Pb 2