027 876 5085

Cistus ‘Brilliancy’


plants that love sunBee friendly plants


Rock rose

A tough evergreen shrub that can grow to 1.5 meters. flowers are large and bright pink with crepe paper like petals and maroon blotches. Plants flower over a long period from late spring through summer and sometimes into autumn. Full sun and good drainage.

  • 1 liter pot

9 in stock

SKU: Cistus 'Brilliancy' Categories: ,


Common name: rock rose

Cistus are native to the dry rocky areas of the Mediterranean. A good indicator of their toughness, as long as the soil is free draining. A plant that thrives on neglect while still looking beautiful.

Some of the taller varieties will benefit from a prune but otherwise maintain good form with little maintenance if in full sun. Ideal plants for rock gardens, gravel gardens, and stony soils. All cistus are evergreen.

C. ‘Brilliancy’ is a tough shrub that can grow to 1.5 meters. flowers are large and bright pink with crepe paper like petals and maroon blotches in the center. Plants flower over a long period from late spring through summer and sometimes into autumn.

  • 1.5 x 1.5
  • Excellent drainage
  • Full sun
  • Evergreen
  • Drought hardy
  • 1 liter pot