027 876 5085

Zanthoxylum piperitum – Sichuan pepper


Sichuan pepper, Japanese pepper, Japanese prickly ash.

Both the leaves and fruits (peppercorns) can be used as aromatics and flavourings. The leaves when crushed have a citrusy peppery scent. The mature fruits (“peppercorns” or “berries”) are used as a spice in the same way as other Sichuan pepper. Like the leaves the berries are peppery with citrussy overtones.

  • PB 2

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Common names: Sichuan pepper, Japanese pepper, Japanese prickly ash.

A spiny aromatic evergreen shrub or small tree native to Japan and Korea. Both the leaves and fruits (peppercorns) can be used as aromatics and flavourings. The leaves when crushed have a citrusy peppery scent. The mature fruits (“peppercorns” or “berries”) are used as a spice in the same way as other Sichuan pepper. Like the leaves the berries are peppery with citrussy overtones. The ripe berries turn red and can be harvested and dried. This will usually release the black seeds inside which can be discarded if you find them bitter. Plants can start producing some fruit within 2 -3 years.

Plants grow as large shrubs or small trees to about 3 meters.  All parts of the plant have spines including the leaves. Attractive trees with good form. Our trees are at least 6 years old and have never needed any pruning. Hardy to cold. Plants prefer good drainage in average to good soils, and sun to light shade. The flowers are very attractive to honeybees.

  • 3 meters
  • Sun to light shade
  • Hardy
  • Good drainage
  • PB 2