027 876 5085

Origanum vulgare – oregano


Bee friendly plantsButterfly friendly plantsplants that love sun



An aromatic and useful herb in the kitchen. Hardy in full sun or light shade with good drainage.

  • 9 cm pot

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Common name: Oregano, wild marjoram

Oregano is native to the Mediterranean region. It has now become naturalised throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere. Oregano is a tough creeping woody perennial forming lush mounds of green leaves to about 30 cm followed by tall stiff flower stalks throughout the summer months. Flowers are a pink purple colour and much loved by bees and some butterflies, such as NZ red and yellow Admiral butterflies and the little blue butterfly.

Oregano is very aromatic and is a useful herb in the kitchen. It has an intense flavour – A little peppery, sweet, and earthy. It pairs well with tomatoes, Olives, lamb, Chickpeas and many Mediterranean style dishes. Oregano leaves dry well. The flavour is more intense when dried.

Oregano plants are very hardy in hot dry areas and will thrive as long as they have good drainage. Plants can become quite large, and are easily divided in autumn or spring.

  • 30 – 80 cm (in flower)
  • Hardy
  • Full sun to light shade
  • Good drainage
  • 9 cm pot