027 876 5085

Iris germanica – Tall blue


plants that love sunBee friendly plants


Bearded iris

Our tall blue irises will have some variation in colour as in the photo. Some have lavender blue ruffs and falls, while others have darker lavender blue ruffs and deep velvety purple falls. 80 cm.

  • 9 cm pot

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Common name: Bearded iris

Iris is a genus of about 310 species all with showy flowers. They are all perennial plants growing from either creeping rhizomes (rhizomatous irises) or bulbs (bulbous irises) rhizomatous species usually have 3-10 basal sword-shaped leaves growing in dense clumps. The bulbous species have 2-10 narrow leaves growing from the bulb.

Bearded irises are a rhizomatous species. Each bloom is made up large outer and inner petals known as ruffs and falls. Bearded irises are so called because of the fuzzy hairs at the base of each falls petal. These provide a landing pad for pollinators and guides them to the nectar.

Bearded irises make a stunning display in spring and early summer in full sun. Plants require good drainage but do appreciate some moisture for good flowering. When planting the rhizomes, ensure the rhizome is sitting above the soil and get sun for most of the day. Divide clumps every 3 years.

Our tall blue irises will have some variation in colour as in the photo. Some have lavender blue ruffs and falls, while others have darker lavender blue ruffs and deep velvety purple falls.

  • Ht: 80 cm
  • Full sun
  • hardy
  • 9 cm pot